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Home Standard Response Protocol Intro Pre-K 12 Videos Higher Ed Business Municipal Mission

Easy to understand.
Easy to implement.

A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school. Safe business. Safe community. The SRP is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn. It rationally organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to personal safety.

The SRP’s development is ever-evolving, created with extensive collaboration between experts such as first responders, public safety, school, districts, and communities. Its tactics are data-driven, researched and based on experience and contemporary practices.

On the Same Page. Everyone.

The benefits of SRP become quickly apparent. By standardizing the vocabulary, all stakeholders can understand the response and status of the event.

For students, this provides continuity of expectations and actions throughout their educational career. For teachers, this becomes a simpler process to train and drill. For communities, it leverages the growing adoption of the protocols from residents of all ages. For first responders, the common vocabulary and protocols establish a greater predictability that persists through the duration of an incident.

People easily understand the practices and can reinforce the protocol. Additionally, this protocol enables rapid response determination when an unforeseen event occurs.

SRP is Action Based

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based on the response to any given situation not on individual scenarios. Like the Incident Command System (ICS), SRP demands a specific vocabulary but also allows for great flexibility. The premise is simple - these five specific actions that can be performed during an incident. When communicating these, the action is labeled with a "Term of Art" and is then followed by a "Directive." Execution of the action is performed by active participants.

Hold - in your classroom or area Hold is followed by the Directive: "In Your Room or Area" and is the protocol used when hallways need to be kept clear of occupants.
Secure - Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors Secure is followed by the Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" and is the protocol used to safeguard people within the building.
Lockdown - Locks, Lights, Out of Sight Lockdown is followed by "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place.
Evacuate - to a stated location Evacuate may be followed by a location, and is used to move people from one location to a different location in or out of the building.
Shelter - State the hazard and the safety strategy Shelter and state the Hazard and Safety Strategy for group and self protection.

What’s New in 2025?

We are committed to reviewing and verifying the Standard Response Protocol Operational Guidance every two years to make necessary updates, and we have done just that for 2025.

Fear not—this is simply a point version of SRP V4. No significant changes have been made, actions and directives remain the same, and the supporting materials (handouts, posters, etc.) are unchanged. The Standard Response Protocol 2025 includes fine-tuned messaging of the lockdown guidance, action sequencing advice regarding hoaxes, and new informative responses in the FAQ section.

While no significant changes have been made, and there is no need to reprint materials, we do encourage a review of the SRP 2025 Operational Guidance V4.2 to stay current with our most up-to-date information.

Pre-K 12 Higher Ed Business Municipal

SRP - Pre-Kindergarten thru Grade 12

Downloadable versions of all materials are made available at no cost. Optionally, you can purchase printed books.

Terms of Use

SRP K12 2025 Operational Guidance

SRP K12 2025 Operational Guidance V4.2

Guidance for schools, districts, departments and agencies.
This is a general guide on incorporating and operating the Standard Response Protocol within a school safety plan.

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SRP K12 2023 Operational Guidance

SRP K12 2023 Operational Guidance V4.1

2023 guidance for schools, districts, departments and agencies. Please refer to the SRP K12 2025 Operational Guidance V4.2 for updated guidance.

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SRP K12 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

SRP K12 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

2021 guidance for schools, districts, departments and agencies. Please refer to the SRP K12 2023 Operational Guidance V4.1 for updated guidance.

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SRP K12 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

SRP K12-T 2021 Classroom Instructor Guide

The workbook has been designed to assist presenters in learning the SRP presentation.

Download PDF Hi Res 188MB
Download PDF Lo Res 4MB

PowerPoint for Mac or PC

Download PowerPoint

Keynote for Mac

Download Keynote

SRP PK-2 V2 Curriculum Workbook

SRP PK-2 V2 Curriculum Workbook

This workbook has been produced to help preschool and elementary teachers guide students through the process of learning how to stay safe by engaging in fun activities.

Download PDF 30MB

SRP K12 2021 Parent Handout EN

SRP K12 2021 Parent Handout

An introduction to the SRP that gives parents the basics in a single handout.

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Download Portuguese PDF
Download Somali PDF

SRP K12 2021 Poster EN

SRP K12 2021 Poster

This poster was created to print and place on walls to remind everyone of the different SRP actions, and allow teachers to start the conversation about SRP with their students.

Download English PDF
Download Spanish PDF
Download Portuguese PDF
Download Arabic PDF

SRP K12 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

SRP K12 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

Tabloid sized poster was created to print and place on walls to remind everyone of the different SRP actions, and allow teachers to start the conversation about SRP with their students.

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SRP K12 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

SRP K12 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

Tabloid sized Spanish language poster was created to print and place on walls to remind everyone of the different SRP actions, and allow teachers to start the conversation about SRP with their students.

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SRP K12 2021 Public Address Poster

SRP K12 2021 Public Address Poster

The Public Address poster is for placement near public address locations. This is a sample. Your district, department or agency should customize this poster for regional hazards. It is available to download in Microsoft Word Format.

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SRP K12 2021 Red Green Alert card

SRP K12 2021 Red Green Alert card

In a reunification, Red/Green Cards are used for quick, visual identification the status of the teachers’ classes. Use the one that best suits your school’s needs.

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SRP K12 2021 Red Green Med card

SRP K12 2021 Red Green Med card

In a reunification, Red/Green Cards are used for quick, visual identification the status of the teachers’ classes. Use the one that best suits your school’s needs.

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SRP K12 2021 Red Green Roll card

SRP K12 2021 Red Green Roll card

In a reunification, Red/Green Cards are used for quick, visual identification the status of the teachers’ classes. Use the one that best suits your school’s needs.

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SRP K12 2021 Secure Door Monitored Poster EN SP

SRP K12 2021 Secure Door Monitored Poster EN SP

The Secure poster can be placed near entrances during a Secure condition. If entry or exit is possible during Secure, use the Secure-Monitored Door poster.

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SRP K12 2021 Secure Door Poster EN SP

SRP K12 2021 Secure Door Poster EN SP

The Secure poster can be placed near entrances during a Secure condition. If entry or exit is possible during Secure, use the Secure-Monitored Door poster.

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SRP K12 2021 Drill in Progress Poster EN SP

SRP K12 2021 Drill in Progress Poster EN SP

Use this poster on exterior doors and/or windows to alert visitors that a Lockdown Drill is in progress.

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Shelter Stickers no guides Avery94107

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery No. 94107

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Lockdown Drill Sheet

Lockdown Drill Sheet

You can use this to document the results of a drill, or create a version of your own.

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SRP K12 2021 Pocket Guide

SRP K12 2021 Pocket Guide

Basic SRP instruction that folds to the size of a business card for convenience.

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SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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ID Card PVC Card No slot

ID Card PVC Card No slot

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

SRP NOI School District Rev.docx

SRP NOI School District.docx

Schools, School Districts and Higher Education facilities can use the Notice of Intent when they’re reviewing the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to incorporate into their safety plan, and wish to receive notice of updates.

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SRP MOU School District Rev.docx

SRP MOU School District.docx

Schools, School Districts and Higher Education facilities can use the Notice of Intent when they’re reviewing the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to incorporate into their safety plan, and wish to receive notice of updates. They are asked to complete and return the Memorandum of Understanding when they have committed to using the SRP.

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SRP Sample MOU LE_Fire.docx

SRP Sample MOU Organization Agency.docx

This is a sample MOU to use between your school or district and your local law enforcement agency and other emergency service providers.

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Middle/High School Video

The Foundation produced this video as an addition to the SRP-T Classroom Training Presentation.

Download the Video

SRP-2021 What's New

This video highlights the changes for SRP 2021.

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Lockdown Drill

Practical lockdown drills explained.

Download the Video

SRP Dispatch Roll Call

Dispatchers play an integral, yet often overlooked, role in any crisis. This video sheds light on the importance of dispatchers understanding and utilizing the common language of the SRP for effective communications between law enforcement, fire, EMS, and the school or district. Grab 10 minutes during roll call to present this video to dispatchers so they can learn more about the five actions of the SRP, when and why they are used, and what communications will look like for dispatchers.

Download the Video

SRP Patrol Roll Call

When schools within your jurisdiction are using the SRP, it is crucial for all first responders to have a comprehensive understanding of the five actions of the SRP in order to understand the status of a crisis at the schools and be able to effectively respond. In this video, our Hollywood voiceover artist gives patrol team members an overview of the SRP and its five actions, and he takes you through real-world scenarios of what this will look like for law enforcement. Show this video at roll call with your officers and discuss it with them to solidify their understanding of the SRP.

Download the Video

Tactics are Intel Driven

What we plan is based on what we know.

But the Environment Dictates Tactics.

What we do, is based on where we are.

Terms of Use

Please constrain use of these materials to our Terms of Use.

Schools, districts, departments, agencies and organizations may use these materials, at no cost, under the following conditions:
  1. Materials are not re-sold.
  2. Core actions and directives are not modified.
    • Hold - "In Your Room or Area. Clear the Halls"
    • Secure - "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors"
    • Lockdown - "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight"
    • Evacuate - To the Announced Location
    • Shelter - Stating Hazard and Safety Strategy*
  3. Notification of use is provided to The "I Love U Guys" Foundation through one of the following:
    • Email notice to
    • Notice of Intent
    • Memorandum of Understanding
  4. The following modifications to the materials (Posters, handouts, cards) are allowable:
    • Localization of evacuation events
    • Localization of shelter events

SRP - Higher Education

Downloadable versions of all materials are made available at no cost. Optionally, you can purchase printed books.

Terms of Use

SRP HED 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

SRP HED 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Student Staff Handout 3.0 EN

SRP HED 2021 Student Staff Handout 3.0 EN

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Student Staff Handout 3.0 SP

SRP HED 2021 Student Staff Handout 3.0 SP

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Red Green Med Card

SRP HED 2021 Red Green Med Card

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Poster EN

SRP HED 2021 Poster EN

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Poster SP

SRP HED 2021 Poster SP

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SRP HED 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

SRP HED 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

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SRP HED 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

SRP HED 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

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SRP HED 2021 Secure Door Poster EN SP

SRP HED 2021 Secure Door Poster EN SP

Download PDF

SRP HED 2021 Secure Monitored Door Poster EN SP

SRP HED 2021 Secure Monitored Door Poster EN SP

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SRP HED 2021 Drill in Progress EN SP

SRP HED 2021 Drill in Progress EN SP

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Lockdown Drill Sheet

Lockdown Drill Sheet

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SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card PVC Card No slot

ID Card PVC Card No slot

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

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SRP NOI HED 2022.docx


Download DOCX

SRP MOU School District HED.docx


Download DOCX

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery94107

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery No. 94107

Download PDF


SRP - Business

Downloadable versions of all materials are made available at no cost. Optionally, you can purchase printed books.

Terms of Use

SRP BIZ 2021 Operational Guidance V4

SRP BIZ 2021 Operational Guidance V4

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SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 EN

SRP BIZ 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 EN

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 SP

SRP BIZ 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 SP

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Red Green Med Card

SRP BIZ 2021 Red Green Med Card

Download PDF

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster EN

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster EN

Download PDF

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster SP

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster SP

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SRP BIZ 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

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SRP BIZ 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

SRP BIZ 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

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SRP BIZ 2021 Secure Door Poster

SRP BIZ 2021 Secure Door Poster

Download PDF

SRP BIZ 2021 Secure Monitored Door Poster

SRP BIZ 2021 Secure Monitored Door Poster

Download PDF

SRP BIZ 2021 Drill in Progress Poster EN SP

SRP BIZ 2021 Drill in Progress Poster EN SP

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Lockdown Drill Sheet

Lockdown Drill Sheet

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SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card PVC Card No slot

ID Card PVC Card No slot

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

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SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

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SRP BIZ NOI 2022.docx


Download DOCX

SRP MOU BIZ 2022.docx


Download DOCX

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery94107

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery No. 94107

Download PDF


SRP - Municipal

Downloadable versions of all materials are made available at no cost. Optionally, you can purchase printed books.

Terms of Use

Municipal Training Video

Standard Response Protocol.

Download the Video

SRP MUNI 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

SRP MUNI 2021 Operational Guidance V4.0

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 EN

SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 EN

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 SP

SRP MUNI 2021 Staff Handout 3.0 SP

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Red Green Med Card

SRP MUNI 2021 Red Green Med Card

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster EN

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster EN

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster SP

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster SP

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster Tabloid EN

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

SRP MUNI 2021 Poster Tabloid SP

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SRP MUNI 2021 Secure Door Poster

SRP MUNI 2021 Secure Door Poster

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Secure Monitor Door Poster

SRP MUNI 2021 Secure Monitor Door Poster

Download PDF

SRP MUNI 2021 Drill in Progress EN SP

SRP MUNI 2021 Drill in Progress EN SP

Download PDF

Lockdown Drill Sheet

Lockdown Drill Sheet

Download PDF

SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

SP ID Card PVC Card No slot No guides

Download PDF

ID Card PVC Card No slot

ID Card PVC Card No slot

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SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

SP ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

The SRP actions scaled to print on one side of an ID card.

Download PDF

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card 1

Download PDF

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

ID Card CR80 Slot Card No guides 1

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Shelter Stickers no guides Avery94107

Shelter Stickers no guides Avery No. 94107

Download PDF

Mission Partners
Curriculum Adopters
Curriculum Development
Software Integrations
Training Underwriters
Program Advancers
Hugs. I Love u guys.


To restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.


Standard Response Protocol

Action-based, flexible, and easy to learn.

Standard Reunification Method

Recovery starts when the crisis begins.

Reunification Exercise

Ready to go "Exercise in a Box."

Training and Events

From breakout sessions to full day workshops.

Tender Loving Care

Other projects we're handling with a little TLC.

Partner with Love

Together we’re a powerful conduit that unites.
